Jenelle’s Place 

Completed 2016

Estimated Finished Value: $1,200,000

Jenelle’s Place is a 22-unit subdivision located in Central Vancouver, southeast of the Vancouver Mall. The land was developed into finished lots by another local developer. These lots were sold to individuals and other builders. 

Romano Capital acquired four lots in the subdivision for the purpose of building four entry-level duplex homes. 

Upon completion, the homes were sold to the public. The development is now fully complete. 

Jenelle’s Place is a 22-unit subdivision located in Central Vancouver, southeast of the Vancouver Mall. The land was developed into finished lots by another local developer. These lots were sold to individuals and other builders. 

Romano Capital acquired four lots in the subdivision for the purpose of building four entry-level duplex homes. 

Upon completion, the homes were sold to the public. The development is now fully complete. 

In development iconStatus:
Completed 2014

Estimated Finished Value: $1,200,000.
